Cabell County EMS Flag Dedication

Novemer 14, 1970 and September 11, 2001. These two dates are forever etched into our memories.

November 14, 1970 marks the date of the Marshall Plane Crash Tragedy. 75 lives were lost that day, when the plane collided with trees past the runway. The plane had Marshall Football team players, families, and staff on board. September 11, 2001 marks the day that 4 commercial airlines were hijacked, claiming 2,977 lives.

In September 2024, we receieved a letter stating that someone anonymously purchased Flag #74 on behalf of Cabell County EMS to be flown at the Spring Hill Cemetery Healing Field.
Much to our surprise, we received a visit from Greg Posey. Greg is the Executive Director for MOW Recovery. Greg revealed that he had purchased Flag 74 on our behalf.
We want to say THANK YOU to Greg for this dedication. The number 74 is very dear to us, as that is the year that Cabell County EMS was founded. We are so thankful we are able to provide to our community and those surrounding us in their time of need. Greg stopped by our Headquarters and met with Director Gordon Merry, Assistant Director Steve Murry, and Director of Education Marsha Knight.